Cum sa te comporti

Acesta este un mail care a circulat intr-una din companiile romanesti.
Postul il dedic lui Jimy si Krakilei care, probabil, se vor alatura la un moment dat unei companii de acest tip.

Acesta este un e-mail intern (pentru angajatii romani ) de la o filiala din Romania a unei mari corporatii

To : All Romanian Speaking Staff
Subject: Improper Language Usage

It has been brought to our attention by several officials visiting our office in Romania that offensive language is commonly used by our Romanian Speaking staff. Such behavior,in
addition to violating our policy, is highly unproffesional and offensive to both visitors and staff.All personel will imediatly adhere to the following rules:

1..Words like futui, in pula mea, pula and other such expressions will be not tolerated or used for emphasis or dramatic effect, no matter how heated a discussion may become.

2..You will not say si-a bagat pula when someone makes a mistake, or s-a cacat pe el if you see someone being to be reprehended, or baga-mi-as, when a major mistake has been made.All forms and derrivations of the verb a se caca and a se fute are utterly inappropiate and unacceptable in our enviroment.

3..No project manager, section head or administrator under aby circumstances will be reffered to as pula de om, cacanaru” or boul.

4..Lack of determination will not be reffered to as pulalau nor will persons who lack initiative be reffered to as muiangiu.

5..Unusual or creative ideas offered by managment are not to be reffered to as porcarii.

6..Do not say futu-ti mata if somebody is persistent;do not add pula mea, if a colleague is going trough a difficult situation. Futhermore, you must not say am pus-o (refer to item 2) nor o sa ne-o traga when a matter becomes excessively complicated.

7..When asking someone to leave you allone, you must not say dute-n pula mea or should you ever substitute „May i help you?'” with, ce pula mea vrei ?

8..Under no circumstances should you ever call your elderly industrial partners bosorogi imputiti.

9..Do not say ia mai mereti-n pula cu cacatu” asta when a relevant project is presented to you, nor should you ever answer futute-n cur when your assistance is required.

10.You should never call customer representatives as boul dracului or tampitu” ala.

11.The sexual behavior of our staff is not to be discussed in terms such as a pizdulica buna, futaciosu” or homalau” lu peste.

12. Last but not least, aftre reading this note, please do not say ma sterg la cur cu textu asta.

Just keep it clean and dispose of

14 gânduri despre &8222;Cum sa te comporti&8221;

  1. jim, ai slabe cunosctinte de limba engleza. scrii in l33t dar nu intelegi deloc ca este vorba despre discutii vorbite. ce faci acolo, spui pe litere? pe-trei-trei-zed-e-e?
    ar trebui sa incepi sa te dezbari de vulgaritate. sa iti depasesti limitele. intocmai ca intr-un stagiu de comando.

  2. as fi vrut sa am un raspuns destept. dar avand in vedere ca nu inteleg nimic din ce pula mea scrii acolo si avand in aceeasi vedere ca nu va voi dezbara niciodata de vulgaritate…nu stiu ce sa zic.

  3. Mai întâi că nu e adevărată şi mai apoi că e veche. Am primit-o prima dată acu vreo 3-4 ani, circula pe mail.

    toadere, ce-a zis jim am priceput din prima. Ce-ai vrut tu să scrii nici acu nu pricep. Aia ar tre’i să te preocupe pe tine. 😉

  4. Da’ de ce nu taci tu, mai Hudre; too-ooo-t sa-i dai idei. Acu’ ce te faci daca zice iarasi Nu se ntelege ce scriu eu?!?! Foarte bine atunci sa scrie altii. Daca nu, inchid blogul, oh!, of!, buf!, pleosc! etc

  5. oamenii astia vor sa cenzureze si rabufnirile noastre verbale? pai daca nu se mai injura, se vor parui. e mai bine, asa? in orice caz, txt e super comic.

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